15 July, 2022
Alumni Garden Party 2022
Once C.T.Co, always C.T.Co. It is something that we do value a lot. And we are always happy to see familiar faces especially when we haven’t seen each other for a while, so we have a lot of things to discuss and share with each other.
That is why we want to invite those who worked in C.T.Co in the past to the Alumni Garden Party, which will take place on Friday, August 12 near C.T.Co Office in Valdlauči at 19:00 (Meistaru 33). Agenda will include a short presentation from the company management, live music, a fun quiz with prizes, tasty food, and drinks as well as socializing with your best former colleagues.
For more information check your e-mail or send us a DM on social media if you didn’t receive anything from C.T.Co (we will send you a link to a pre-registration form).
Hope to see you very soon!