23 April, 2019

C.T.Co donation to Children Clinical University Hospital

In the end of 2018 C.T.Co employees made a choice to sacrifice our annual Christmas party budget to make a donation to Children Clinical University Hospital (Bērnu klīniskā universitātes slimnīca). C.T.Co Management added to this contribution so that there would be an opportunity to provide vital equipment to the hospital. Total sum of the donation was 74923 EUR.

In cooperation with Hospital’s medical experts and doctors actual needs of the hospital were analyzed and a decision to purchase mobile x-ray machine (Siemens Cios Mobile C-arm cutting-edge 3D imaging for intraoperative quality assurance) was made. This particular device is the only one of a kind in Latvia and is currently used during surgeries. In addition, new radiation protection clothing was bought to replace the old one owned by the hospital.

We really hope that our donation will make a difference improving surgical outcomes and ease the recovery process for children.