06 May, 2015

C.T.Co @ Tough Race (Stipro Skrējiens) 2015

“The Strong Race” is an international event, which is the first and only mass endurance race of this type in the Eastern Europe taking place since 2010. It includes cross-country running, as well as various elements of agility and strength disciplines. It is a sporting challenge for everyone since the race takes place in unusual surroundings. Surmounting several artificial and natural obstacles and running through mud and water can teach you to overcome yourself, as well as test your strength and fitness. The event is carried out as an alternative way to get out of a monotonous pace of life, even more routine gym visits or boring long-distance runs.

“The Strong Race” is the only extreme mass endurance race in the Baltic States, in which everyone can learn to overcome himself and try his strength and physical fitness by surmounting a dozen of obstacles and running through mud. It is a perfect opportunity for everyone to express his patriotic feelings differently – by running for Latvia! A strong man is a kind man! Fighting against yourself, rather than a competitor, positive emotions and pleasure of completing the challenge – it is all about “The Strong Race”!

This year the weather was much nicer than last year and the sun was shining during all day. Almost all Tough Race runners that participated under C.T.Co colors managed to successfully complete all the obstacles and to stay alive! You can also check out a video from Tough Race 2015: