28 September, 2017
RTU Golden Fund (28.09.2017)
On Thursday, September 28, during the ceremony at the Riga Technical University (RTU), the names of the 72 most outstanding graduates of the RTU Gold Fund were announced.
As one of the Golden Fund project supporters C.T.Co would like to congratulate all the laureates and wish them rapid career growth and continuous professional development!
The RTU Golden Fund was created to distinguish the best RTU students, to inform the public about their achievements and to promote graduates’ career development. To get into Golden Fund students not only had to have the best average marks, but also their social activities, success in science, sports and other life spheres was important. Candidates for RTU Golden Fund are nominated by program directors in cooperation with the RTU Career Center. Currently, 636 RTU graduates are included in the RTU Golden Fund register.