21 May, 2019
Software Architecture Meetup (04.06.2019)
Some of you may know that not a single software development project can exist without a bigger vision. Software Architecture provides that vision and here at C.T.Co we really care about it. That is why we would like to create a community that provides opportunity to share the knowledge about technologies and Software Architecture.
We are happy to announce first tech meetup for Software Architects. Meetup will take place in C.T.Co office (Meistaru st. 33, Valdlauči, Ķekava district) on 04.06.2019. Two speakers are ready to share their wisdom with you!
Please note (!!!) that available seats are limited and that is why we ask you to fill this form: https://forms.gle/
Approved applicants will receive a personal confirmation e-mail with all the necessary information in regards to this event (event schedule, parking information etc.).
Beer, snacks and useful networking included!